WEEK 4 - DAY 6
Today’s Focus: Being a Witness
God using you as a WITNESS for the gospel in other people is much more about you being a pure and holy vessel, than about what you do and try to accomplish for him. Being is always much more important than doing when it comes to Establishing the Gospel in others.
Read Isaiah 6:1-8
What is the relationship between worshipping God, adoring Him, and seeing Him rightly…and…God calling you and using you for his glory and gospel?
What must come first…Worshipping God or Serving God? Why?
It has been said, “Missions exist because Worship does not.” Can you explain?
For the remainder of your time with God, meditate on what Isaiah must have seen in his vision. What does the throne room of heaven really look like?
Now, imagine someone standing there, in that scene you’ve imagined, without knowing Jesus Christ as Savior. That will be the most terrifying moment in existence for someone who does not know Christ as Savior. The most hateful thing we can do is to leave someone in that state. Worship God…and out of that joy…GO!