SHORTCUT TO WEEK 4: DAY 1 - DAY 2 - DAY 3 - DAY 4 - DAY 5 - DAY 6


The POWER and WITNESS of the Church

The Ends of the Eath

WEEK 4 - DAY 4

Today’s Focus: Receiving Power


You read in Chapter 13 on day 1 of this week, the church fasted and prayed while they were worshipping.  The result was that the Holy Spirit empowered them and guided them in what they should do…also…God called two men to go out from the church to be witnesses for the gospel among other people on a missionary journey.  Fasting led them to be empowered and for God to use them as witnesses for the gospel to others.

Tomorrow, we are all going to fast for the day.  Be wise.  If you have athletics, a big day at work, or family obligation, you may not need to fast from food.  Others of you may have a schedule that will allow a day of fasting from food. Regardless, tomorrow I want to challenge you to fast. My first preference is to fast from food, if that’s not possible, maybe your phone, TV, or something else. Depending on you experience with fasting, you may fast all day while others fast from one meal. All is acceptable, but this also should be hard. This should push you beyond being hungry to being really uncomfortable. It is in that place that God is tasted most sweetly.

Some people fast for a dedicate purpose. If you have a habitual sin you can’t seem to break, fast to that end. Maybe you have a loved one that hasn’t yet come to accept the love of Christ. Fast to that end. Maybe you just want to know God deeper, then fast to that end. Place a goal in your fast that gives you fast purpose.

PURPOSE:  When you fast, you remove something very precious to you, declaring to God you would rather have God than anything else in life.  You’d rather have Him give you POWER you more than being powered by food or delight in other things.  After your fast tomorrow, journal about how it went and what you may have learned.