WEEK 2 - DAY 5
Today’s Focus: Being a Witness
One of the most important things about God using you to Establish the gospel in the life of your friends and family is to be aware of the needs around you. As we saw the disciples distribute the miracle of feeding 5000, they were very aware of the need of the people. What is the greatest need of all people? The greatest need of all people is Jesus.
Why is this a true statement? Why is Jesus truly the most pressing need of all people?Why do we sometimes get callous to the reality of those without Christ?
At this time, pray for those in your immediate circle that most need Jesus. Cry out for those who need Jesus and are living without him right now. Become very aware of their need for Jesus. Don’t be callous. Let the reality of this present situation consume you, then cry out to God that he might save them.
Write the first names or just the initials of those you are praying for. Write specifically what you would like for God to do in their lives.