WEEK 3 - DAY 1
The purpose of this 1st John, written by the disciple John, is to assure people they are a Christian or to let them know they are actually not a Christian, even if they thought they were. Also, if someone is a Christian, it is a great check up to make sure we are living in agreement with the desires of God. So, before reading todays passage, let’s start today with a few questions it get the ball rolling.
1. One of the most powerful assurances of your faith as a Christian is in how you love and care for _____________________. (<— not God or Jesus. What group of people?)
2. One of the most compelling arguments that Christianity is real for a doubting and antagonistic world is in how we love ____________________.
Now, let’s look at our passage today and see how John answers those questions for us.
READ 1st John 3:11-15.
3. According to this passage, who does John say is the most important people to love and serves as a sign of your salvation? Is it different that who you answered this question before reading this passage?
4. Why do you think this is true? Why does John make this argument?
5. Think about the story of Cain and Abel. If you are not familiar with this story Google it now and return to this question. What makes the story of Cain and Abel so tragic?
6. Why would it not be the best thing, to run pass brothers and sisters in the faith who are in need of love, encouragement, and serving to help strangers that we don’t know? (NOTE: Obviously, I’m very much in favor of helping and serving our community. But why does John and Jesus put the first priority on our fellow Christian community?)
7. Read 1 John 3:13. Why should we not be surprised that the world will hate us if we selflessly and passionately love one another in our Christian community?
8. Read 1 John 3:14-15. John obviously says that loving your brothers and sisters in Christ is a sign if you are saved or not. Why do you think this serves at a litmus test for our faith?
9. Do you find it easy or hard to love fellow Christians?
10. How have you tangibly loved your brothers / sisters recently?
What was your major takeaway today?