WEEK 2 - DAY 3
1 John 2:18-3:10
A Family Resemblance
The word “family” is a powerful trigger of emotions. For some, it brings up warm memories, a house full of love, and everyone you look forward to seeing at holidays and reunions. For others, family can be a source of tension, hurt, emotional baggage, and anger. The reason this is such a powerful trigger is because the concept of “family” is ingrained in our essence as human beings. If you think about it, whether you are an American, Russian, Brazilian, or Japanese, no matter what your culture or race, if you are Jew or a Nazi, a billionaire or homeless, lived 1000 years ago or are from present day, the first building block of every life that has ever lived has first been shaped by family. For some the absence of, for others the powerful haven it provides, but families are the building blocks of all societies. It is the shared DNA that you have and the influence of family life that makes you who you are. People call it “Nature v/s Nurture,” but really it is the combination of these two that make you who you are.
In this passage we are going to see that God says we are his family. He will tell us that he is our Father and Jesus is our brother. He will show us that he is the one that makes us to be born again and then cares for us. God gives us a new nature and then invites us into his family to nurture us to be like him. So regardless of where you’ve come from, your family history, or influences you’ve had, God can cause you to be born again, change you, and grow you into a new person that reflects his glory! Let’s see this come alive.
Today, let’s look at 1) those who want to destroy your connection to your Christian family, 2) the reality of your Christian family, and 3) how to know if you are a Christian with a Christian family.
Anti-christs Want to Destroy Your Christian Family
There are false teachers in the world. A false teacher is one that teaches things that are easy to hear, exciting to the senses, but have no basis for truth and is not based on the Bible. They may look like Christians, they may sound like Christians, but most of the time their message is very “man centered.” Let’s see how God warns you against these false teachers and anti-christs.
READ 1 John 2:18-27
1. What are some ways, based on these verses, that you can spot a false teacher?
2. What does it mean in v. 19 when it says, “ They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us?”
3. Verse 22 makes a clear and bold statement. “Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the anti-christ, he who denies the Father and the Son.” What does this verse mean in your own words?
4. How does this show the false teachers’ direct attack on your Christian family, God as your Father, and Jesus as your brother?
5. How does v. 26-27 guide your to identify and avoid false teachers?
The Reality of Your Christian Family
6. What feelings does the following phrase stir in you. “God is your perfect Father.”
7. What feelings does the following phrase stir in you. “Jesus is your close brother.”
READ 1 John 2:28-3:3
8. What does it mean in v. 28 that when Christ returns we can “have confidence and not shrink back?”
9. God is all-knowing. God is all-powerful. God is eternal. God existed when nothing existed. God has never learned anything because anything that can be known he knows and also created the knowledge that can be known. God never tires. God holds the entire universe together. God tracks every molecule and atom in existence. There is an infinite number of titles God could have given to us to relate to him by. Based on the statements above, explain how your relationship with this amazing God would be if he had given us the following titles to define our relationship with him.
Creator only
10. God is also perfect in his love. Whether you had the perfect role model dad or never have had a dad in your life, God is better. His love is perfect. His love is powered and driven by his perfection and holiness, meaning it is always the greatest amount and sweetest love you can experience. Based on the statements above, explain how your relationship with this amazing God is because he has given us the following title as the basis to interact with him.
Is thinking of God as Father easy or difficult for you? Why?
11. Hebrews 2:11 says, “For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers.” How does it make you feel to interact with Jesus based on this title he has given us as our brother? Why is this awesome? Why is this difficult?
How Do I Know If I’m a Christian and a Part of this Christian Family?
READ 1 John 3:4-10
12. In your own words, how do you know if someone is a Christian?
13. If habitual sin is the key to assurance of salvation, how do you accurately identify what sin is? Is it something you decide or something that has been decided for you? Explain.
14. Why is habitual sin a great metric for assurance of salvation?
1 John 3:9 says, “No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God.”
Now we all know from Biology 101, when a seed fertilizes an egg, life begins. If left to natural science, that fertilized egg will grow and mature into a human. Under normal circumstances, this is the process and it is completely natural. It is so awesome that John explains the concept of becoming a Christian, obedience, and ultimately living a life that resembles your brother, Jesus, by using the language of Biology.
So, if God’s Word or in other words, the Gospel is God’s seed that penetrates our heart, why is it natural and necessary to live in obedience and joy in a relationship with our God?
With the remainder of your time, expound upon the parallel set up here by John. What is similar to natural life and spiritual life? What is similar in natural family and spiritual family? Can someone claim to be a Christian and have no form of resemblance to Jesus? How should we live and resemble our Heavenly Father and Jesus as our brother? What is my role in growing as a Christian and what is God’s role?
Feel free to answer any, all, or your own questions posed from this analogy.
What was your major takeaway today?