WEEK 2 - DAY 2

1 John 2:7-17

The other day I was reading a book to my daughter Jaycee. It was a book that she received from a sweet friend of ours for Christmas. The name of it is, “The Snowy Day” by Ezra Jack Keats. The little boy in the book is thrilled that it has snowed and can’t wait to go outside and have an adventure. He plays in the snow, makes tracks in the snow, and even joins in a snowball fight with other boys. He loves the snow so much he puts a huge snowball in his pocket for later. After a long day of playing, he goes inside and his mom draws a nice warm bath to help him warm up. After the bath he remembers his snowball! He’s excited and runs to the closet to retrieve it! But when he gets there, it is only a big soggy wet spot in his coat pocket. He is completely disappointed. So much fun, so much work, and so much effort all disappeared.

I was instantly struck by the sobering reality this illustrates. So many people are working hard for temporal things that will eventually turn into nothing. Everything you own today, in 100 years will be owned by someone else that doesn’t know who you are. This truth can be very depressing or very freeing. It just depends on if your value system is eternal or temporal in nature.

Our original question posed by this Bible Study was, “How do I know if I’m a Christian?” John will answer that question today with a question. “What things do you value the most in this life?” The reason he poses that question is this simple truth:

A true Christian values eternal things that Jesus values over temporal things that the world values.

What should I love as a Christian?

READ 1 John 2:7-14

The Old and New Commandment here that is both the same and different can be confusing. But in its essence, it is really simple. The oldest command in Scripture is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength” and to “love you neighbor as yourself.” (This is a summary of the first 4 Ten Commandments and the last 6 Commandments, respectively.) The New Commandment is to “Treasure Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength,” and to “love your neighbor as yourself.” The core of the teaching in this passage is this: How can you love temporal things more than your eternal brother in Christ in a way that you would choose the temporal thing over your love for your eternal brother in Christ. Summary? How can you love temporal things more than eternal things and still be convinced you’re a Christian?

1. According to this passage, what is a true mark of a Christian?

2. What is a true mark of a person who is not a Christian?

3. Explain the logic found in verse 9?

4. Why do some people say they are a Christian but their lives look exactly like those who are not Christians?

False Assurances that you are a Christian

Many times people will say they are a Christian, but have a lifestyle that would not match the teachings in 1st John, namely, still valuing self, the world, and the temporal over eternal things. Why? Most of the time it is because they have placed their hope of being a Christian in a false assurance that the Bible never affirms is an actual assurance.

Below are some examples of False Assurances of being a Christian that the Bible doesn’t support as an assurance of salvation. Explain in your own words on your paper or computer document, why these are false assurances.

  • Religious Heritage: growing up in a Christian Family

  • Church Involvement: being active in a church

  • A Moral Lifestyle: trying to be a good person with integrity

  • Intellectual Knowledge: knowing a great deal about the Bible and gospel

  • Active Ministry: serving others or leading a ministry

  • A Guilty Conscience: feeling bad when you do something wrong

  • Positive Thinking: being sincere when you think Christianity is right

  • A Past Decision: remembering a time or place you “felt” like you became a Christian

  • None of the above mentioned things are bad…but why can they not serve as the foundation of assurance that you are a Christian?

True Assurances that you are a Christian

What about true assurances that are foundations for believing you are a Christian? What can we stand on to know for sure we are Christians? The following are some examples of things the Bible says are good foundations to stand on for assurance and will stand for eternity.

On your paper or computer document, write a sentence explaining how you would judge yourself in each of these categories. You are doing this for yourself. This is not intended to be judgmental, but clarifying for you.

5. Are you trusting in Jesus as the Son of God and Savior of your sin?

6. Are you obeying Jesus’ teachings as the Lord of your life?

7. Are you showing the love of God to others?

8. Are you personally experiencing God’s love for you?

Being a Christian Makes Sense…(if you’re a Christian.)

The reason being a Christian is so awesome is because it only makes sense if you are a Christian. When we are born again in Jesus and his Holy Spirit lives in us, it molds our desires to be more like Jesus and less like the world. We begin to think in terms of joy lasting for an eternity, not for a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, a few months, or a few years. We become consumed with making this life count for as much joy as we can have in this life and for eternity. The true Christian isn’t satisfied with a lifetime of joy, but only with millions of years of joy. Jesus said, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?” (Mark 8:36) That is why we align our lives with what Jesus values above what we naturally value. Because it is better!!!

Below is a warning given to not be deceived by the fleeting and temporal joys of this world.

READ 1 John 2:15-17.

Give examples of each of the temptations to desire the things of the world below on your paper or computer document. Evaluate yourself in how these things pull at your soul.

  • Desires of the flesh

  • Desires of the eyes

  • Pride of life

  • Last question: How are loving these things mentioned above, similar to the boy in the story who loved his snowball so much that he stored it in his pocket to save for later?

What was your major takeaway today?