Week 5 - Day 3
READ 1st John 5:13-15
This passage seems to good to be true! Right? Ask God for anything and whatever we ask we can have confidence that we have it? Really? Is that really what this passage is saying?
YES! Actually that is exactly what it is saying.
Surely there is a catch? Well, not really a catch, just a context. If we take this passage out of the Bible and wrote it on a note card alone, by itself, and gave it to someone to read, I’m sad to say it would lead anyone who read it to a very frustrating prayer life. I can hear the petitions now, “Dear God, give me the winning lottery numbers! Amen.” “Dear God, give me Tom Brady’s arm! Amen.” “Dear God, make me taller! Amen.” We can be quite sure none of these prayers would be answered. Right? So what’s the deal?
Well, there’s not a catch to this passage, just a context. The secret to this verse hangs on 4 words, “according to his will.” These 4 words brings us into the greater context of 1st John and brings an overarching context to this passage. “According to his will” may seem like a catch to some, but it is really the key to unleashing a very powerful prayer life!
Context of 1st John
1. If you remember, on the first page of this study I established 3 litmus test to know if you have eternal life.
A true Christian knows Jesus accurately.
A true Christian obeys Jesus authentically.
A true Christian has joy abundantly.
2. We can know that these three things are completely in God’s will. What would a prayer to know Jesus accurately sound like? How confident are you that God would answer that prayer?
3. What would a prayer to obey Jesus authentically sound like? How confident are you that God would answer that prayer?
4. What would a prayer to have Joy in Jesus abundantly sound like? How confident are you that God would answer that prayer?
Context of the New Testament
READ John 14:13-14
5. Here Jesus says, “Ask in my name” which is similar to “according to my will.” The qualifier here is to ask things that will glorify the Father. What would a prayer to glorify God sound like? How confident are you that God would answer that prayer?
READ John 15:7
6. Here Jesus says to “ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.” The qualifier here is Jesus saying, “If you abide in me and my words abide in you.” What might a prayer sound like from a person that is abiding in Jesus and is completely tied to Scripture? How do you prayer according to Scripture? How confident are you that God would answer that prayer?
Context of the Old Testament
READ Exodus 32:11-14
7. Here Moses appealed to a promise of God. God had promised to give Israel the promised land. After their sin, God was going to consume them in their sin. Moses prayed and quoted God’s promise to him and Israel. Moses appealed to the character of God, that He is a promise keeping God and a God that doesn’t change. God heard and answered his prayer by sparing Israel. What might a prayer sound like that is rooted in the character of God? How confident are you that God would answer that prayer?
Prayer is not a convenient device for imposing our will upon God, or for bending his will to ours, but the prescribed way of subordinating our will to his. It is by prayer that we seek God’s will, embrace it and align ourselves with it. Every true prayer is a variation of the theme “your will be done.”
John Stott
8. How can knowing God better create a more powerful prayer life that results in more answered prayers?
9. READ James 4:3. How can continuing to ask for prayer that are “you centered” or selfish in nature create a frustrating prayer life?
10. What should you do to increase the frequency you see prayers answered in your life?
What was your major takeaway today?