Week 4 - Day 3
Assurance of True Salvation
The reoccurring theme of this book is to assure you if you are in the faith or not. To help you settle once and for all the question, “Am I a Christian?” Today is one of the most pointed sections on this topic. So after today I hope you have this question settled in your heart. If it is already settled for you, today is a check up to see if you are truly living out what you believe in accordance with Christ.
How does John approach this topic today?
By starting with big, grand, wonderful truths that exist outside of ourselves and working towards small, real changes that happen inside ourselves. The Bible calls this being born again. The theological word for this is “regeneration” or being created again.
The simplest way to say it is a Christian is someone God has made alive in him. Most people’s assurance of their salvation rest in things like — going to church, being a good person, making some decision about Christ in their lives, moralistic comparisons to other people, or family traditions. Really none of these things are a foundation to base salvation on. Being born again is a lot like being physically born. You are or you are not. It’s a reality more than a decision. Yes, you must repent and believe. But this is a result of God drawing you, opening your eyes to his love, and making you alive, rather than you making this happen for yourself. BUT, there are ways to know if this has happened to you. Let’s start to unpack these ways so you can begin to rest on the reliable Word of God for your assurance of salvation.
Big, Grand, Wonderful Truths that Exist Outside of Ourselves
1. How powerful is God? What can he do specifically? Get creative.
2. Did God build or create the Universe? Explain the difference.
3. How does this show how powerful God is?
READ 2nd Corinthians 4:6
4. This verse compares creation of the Universe to the creation of spiritual life (born again or becoming a Christian) with people. What is similar about the way God created the Universe and the way God creates spiritual life in people?
5. What sustains people’s spiritual life?
READ 1st John 4:13
6. Now…think about how powerful God is from our above questions. Verse 13 says if we are Christians God abides in us by his Spirit. What effect should the Holy Spirit have in our lives?
READ 1st John 4:14-15
7. Many people think many different things about Jesus. The Father only thinks one way about Jesus. That he is his Son, he sent him into the World, and he is the Savior of the World. What must a person believe about Jesus to really be a true Christian?
8. READ 1st Corinthian 1:18. Explain this verse in your own words. Why do some think of Jesus as foolish or irrelevant and other as the power of God unto salvation?
READ 1st John 4:16-17
9. Do you believe God loves you? Do you believe God likes you?
10. Is confidence in God’s love for you arrogance or grace? Explain.
Working Towards Small, Real Changes that Happen Inside Ourselves
So far we’ve been talking about big truths about God. But if God truly is a reality in our lives and he has given us true spiritual life, our lives and thoughts will change from the inside, out.
READ 1st John 4:18
11. If God is as powerful as we’ve said, he has sent his Spirit to live in you, you have been totally forgive by through the cross of all sin, are completely accepted by God, God loves you and God likes you, why is it natural to find that true Christians live without fear in life? Why should this be a sign of true spiritual life?
12. What do you think this passage means by “living in fear?”
READ 1st John 4:19
13. Which is a bigger deal. That we love God or that he loves us?
14. How does God’s love for us create our love for him?
15. Do you love God? Do you like God? Do you enjoy God? How can these 3 questions be used as assurance of your salvation?
READ 1st John 4:20-5:5
16. According to this verse, if God’s love is real to you, there are two natural result for true Christians? What are they?
17. If obedience isn’t burdensome for the Christian, should obedience always be easy? Explain.
Are you assured of your salvation that you are a Christian? Why or why not?
If not, what would help you to have assurance?
What was your major takeaway today?