One of the most striking characteristics of the Christians in the New Testament was the element of certainty in their relationship with Christ.  We need that same element of certainty in our lives today.  We can know Christ is in our lives by 1) the testimony of the Word, 2) leading of the Holy Spirit, and the 3) evidence of a changed life.

A. Trustworthiness of God’s Word 

Assurance is based on the authority of God’s Word.

1. What does Numbers 23:19 say about God keeping His promises?

2. In Revelation 3:20, what does God promise?

3. What is eternal life? (John 17:3)

4. In Mark 1:15, what 2 conditions are necessary for a person to have eternal life?

5. Study 1 John 5:11-13.

a. Where is eternal life found? (v. 11)

b. Who has eternal life? (v. 12)

c. What is John’s purpose for writing this letter? (v. 13)

d. Who does the promise in verse 13 apply to? 

B. Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the internal witness of our assurance. Christ’s presence in our lives. 

1. Who are the children of God? (Romans 8:14)

2. What does 1 John 3:24 show as a sign of assurance that God abides in us?

3. What is one reason the Holy Spirit was given? (Ephesians 1:13-14)

C. Changed Life 

The proof that we have experienced a new birth and have become children of God will be demonstrated by our changed lives. 

1. Examine 1 John 2:3

a. How does it describe the person who knows God?

b. Can a Christian continue habitually in sin? Why or why not?

2.   Compare John 14:15 with John 14:21. After thinking about these verses, 

      briefly state the relationship between loving God and obeying God.

3.   Study 2 Corinthians 5:14-17.

a. What is the right response to Christ by a person who has truly experienced the love of Christ? (v. 14-15)

b. Can people live only to please themselves and be controlled by the love of Christ?

c. What does it mean to be a “new creature”? (v. 17)


As a Christian, a child of the King, you have so many blessings and privileges. The reason for this is that Christ has satisfied every requirement on the cross for you to be perfect before the Father.   Understanding your position as a child of the Father is essential in experiencing to the fullest all that is available to you through Christ.

A. Read the following verses and discover just a few of the things that happen the moment you receive Christ. List any others that you may know. 

1. Colossians 1:14 

2. John 1:12

3. John 5:24

4. Romans 6:17-18

B. According to 2 Peter 1:2-4 . . .

1. What has God granted to us through the true knowledge of Christ?

2. The Bible is filled with many promises.  Why are these promises given to God's children?

C. What does it mean to be “complete in Christ”? (Colossians 2:10)

D. In Ephesians 1:18-19, Paul prayed for the Christians at Ephesus that they would understand what was already theirs as a child of God.

1. What three things did Paul pray they would understand?

2. Do you as a Christian understand that these things are a part of your 


3. If so, the question asked in Hebrews 2:1-3a should ring in our ears. Why do people neglect their

Do not neglect Christ’s presence in your life. Claim his presence and all the privileges and power that are yours in Christ. Out of a grateful heart for the salvation He so freely gave to you, commit to live to do His will.

MEMORY VERSES:  (Always choose ONLY ONE Memory Verse.)

1 John 5:13 

2 Corinthians 5:17 

1 John 3:24