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Sunday Services
Real worship. Real truth. Real change. This best describes a Sunday morning at Centerpoint. In our approach to Sunday and in our teaching, we aim to be relevant to the world around us and reverent to a God who is holy and awesome. Interested? Join us at 10:00am in person or online.
CP Kids
There are a lot of places and a lot of options that are available to you and your child on Sunday mornings. If you choose Centerpoint, you will not regret it. Fun lessons, engaging teachers, and a secure children’s area all make for an experience your child will look forward to every week.
Ages 0-2, 3-5, 6-8
Not making much progress in your faith? Been a Christian for a while but still don’t quite have a grasp of things? New to the faith and don’t know where to begin? Centerpoint Discipleship is the answer. We greet you where you are and then walk with you towards the path of realness with Jesus. This will change your life!
Upcoming Events
Centerpoint Events are special times for the Centerpoint family to get together and have fun. We want to see you at each event and, yes, you are invited! Click below see if something seems interesting to you, and then join us!